Saturday, April 26, 2008

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

this is our very first post on our brand new blog. Yipee! Now I can be cool like all the rest of my siblings. We'll sit down on Sundays and add content. We're kinda looking for this to be a family gig, so between Tricia, the kids and I you should see a ton of content.


heidizinha said...

whoot whoot! can't wait to see your stuff!

Shannon Bousfield said...

Hey, I just tried to "guilt" you into a blog on my last post! Glad to see you're in on the fun.

Amy Jorgensen said...

I'm with Heidi --- whoot whoot indeed! I'm excited to see what great things are going on with the Heber Livingstones...

Shannon Bousfield said...

The thing about a blog is you're supposed to post things on it, not just announce it. ;)

I check these things daily. And I know, I went months without posting to mine. And I felt horrible about it, really.